We recently engaged River Bend Ecology to design and create educational and informative fact sheets that reflect how and why we created the Shepherd’s Hut Sanctuary and some of the species that are benefiting from these efforts as a result.
River Bend Ecology strives to connect community with natural ecosystems. Dr. Ayesha Burdett and W. Howard Brandenburg conduct scientific research and monitoring in Southwestern Victoria, focusing on freshwater systems. They also design and create innovative science education products that incorporate data visualisation and scientific illustration.
Find out what they are up to at twitter.com/riverbendeco
The Victorian Birds on Farms project is designed for farmers, birdwatchers, scientists and the general public to learn more about birds on private rural properties – and to use this information to protect and enhance their habitats.
Relaunched in Victoria in 2017, Birds on Farms builds upon on the successes of the original 1990s project – and has been a model for subsequent launches in other states. In total, there are more than 200 Victorian properties currently participating in the project, with the support of an incredible network of volunteer birdwatchers.
In its simplest form, the Birds on Farms project assists participating properties to have bird surveys undertaken quarterly at up to 4 plots using a standardised 20 minute-2 hectare survey method. Experienced landholders can carry out the regular bird surveys themselves. In other cases, volunteer birdwatchers are arranged to assist with the regular surveys – with keen landholders encouraged to join in as part of an informal training/mentorship arrangement.
The Birds on Farms monitoring project collects critical data for addressing knowledge gaps around woodland bird populations and habitat use on private land. The project is also an invaluable engagement tool for encouraging landholders and other participants to consider undertaking habitat restoration on their properties and thereby enhancing biodiversity.
For the next phase of the Victorian Birds on Farms project, we are seeking funding to introduce an on-ground conservation works component, allowing target habitat restoration on priority properties for woodland birds (including tree planting and installing nest boxes). We are also looking at working with interested landholders to write detailed conservation management plans and associated funding applications.
Here at Rhynie Pastoral we have been contributing data periodically to this BirdLife Australia project since the end of 2019 with thanks to Dave Nicholls for his support and direction. For more information about this project see the website (Birds On Farms) or contact the project coordinator (shannon.creaney@birdlife.org.au).