Maroona Wind Farm
Maroona Wind Farm Pty Ltd completed the Maroona Wind Farm, which is located on “Tullyvallin”(a Rhynie Pastoral property), at the end of March 2018.
The two 150 metre turbines connect to the existing electricity network in the area and produces the equivalent energy usage of around 4000 households. This equates to supplying power to 8,000-10,000 people.
Right from the start, a commitment was made to ensure that the entire Maroona community benefits from the wind farm. This is being achieved through an ongoing Community Fund. The Community Fund is an annual payment from Maroona Wind Farm.
It was agreed that the fairest way to ensure that everyone in the Maroona community benefits from the Community Fund and has a say in how it is spent was to create a Selection Panel. The role of the Selection Panel is to assess and select project applications and it is made up of local community members.
The Upper Hopkins Land Management Group (UHLMG) is responsible for distributing funding to successful applicants as projects are approved by the Selection Panel. All funding agreements and other administration associated with the Community Fund are administered by the UHLMG. Community projects located within a 10km radius of Maroona are eligible to apply for funding and must be deemed to provide an ongoing benefit to the community.
In 2018 the Maroona Windfarm Community Fund supported three local projects.
Maroona Primary School received funds for installation of a generator to provide back-up power for the school as well as for the community in event of a major crisis.
Heidi Rees received funds for materials for nesting boxes to be installed in appropriate trees that will benefit wildlife in the Maroona area.
The Maroona Recreation Reserve community centre received funds for 4 outside floodlights with sensors.
In 2019 funding was shared by Friends of Lake Buninjon and the Maroona Recreation Reserve.
Works at Lake Buninjon include grading of the track to Coad’s corner and some revegetation with installation of protective barriers for the new planting. A story-board will be designed and installed in a new shelter along with some new tables and chairs. Friends of Lake Buninjon will commission a new logo which will be used in promotional material to encourage more visitors to the lake. These projects have also attracted additional grant funding.
The Maroona Recreation Reserve community centre benefited from new carpet.
In 2020 funding was allocated to three groups to complete the following projects:
The Maroona Recreation Reserve Committee purchased commemorative biscuit tins to celebrate the Maroona Avenue of Honour. A limited edition of tins will be produced to be sold locally. Any profits from the sale of the tins will benefit the Recreation Reserve.
Friends of Lake Buninjon constructed picnic tables at Lake Buninjon as part of a bigger plan to improve access and amenities at the Lake.
The Maroona Primary School purchased a 20,000 litre water tank to connect to the East Grampians Rural Pipeline. This tank will have dual benefits of improving the gardens and grounds of the school and helping to make the school bushfire-ready.
In 2021 funding was allocated to two groups to complete the following projects:
The Maroona Recreation Reserve Committee have outfitted the Recreation Reserve building with new blinds on the windows, and to purchase glass display cabinets to showcase local history memorabilia.
The Maroona Primary School purchased equipment to support the school’s new science curriculum. The new supplies include books, bug nets and microscopes, and will encourage students to apply their knowledge outside of the classroom and learn about their local waterways.